
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Wed. 5/13/20
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Wednesday May 13, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
California dominating global news this morning:
- UC & CSU announces fall academic plans likely to include only online courses, would effectively cancel fall sports as well
- Guidelines released for dine-in restaurants, bars not allowed to open
- LA County likely keeping stay-at-home order in effect through July, opening some beaches on Wednesday
- Over 15K rooms procured for “Operation Room Key” so far
- Over 70% of CA economy is open to some extent
National News:
- Western States Pact requests $1 Trillion from from Federal Government
- Largest 1 month bump of grocery prices in over 50 years
- Wuhan wants to test 11M people in just 10 days after a resurgence in cases
- USA Totals: 1.4M cases, 83K deceased
Non-Covid News:
- Largest US solar project ever approved in Nevada despite critics - 45 miles NE of Vegas, can power 260K households, offsetting 83K car emissions
- $49 SW Flights are back for one-way travel
- Amazon releases new $90 tablet as people are stuck at home, starts shipping June 3
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Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Tues. 5/12/20
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
Local News:
- County to consider pushing Gov. Newsom to further reopen economy
- Chance of rain, snow added to wind advisory at Lake Tahoe
National News:
- India’s unemployment rate is at 27% - highest ever in recorded history
- Viral Vid: CEOs Were Asked to Remove Masks Before Meeting With Mike Pence in Iowa - Propaganda at it’s finest? Will we ever see Trump wear a mask?
- Carnival Cruises will resume sailing Aug. 1 (shooting bookings up 600%)
- Big South Dakota dispute between governors orders and Sioux tribe refusing to take down covid checkpoints
- A new video reveals the pricing, names and full specs for all four iPhone 12 models ($649-1,400… announcement Sept, shipping in Oct)
- 11 yr old lands 1080, breaking Tony Hawk record in vert pipe
- REI opening stores this week, just in time for major annual sale and 82nd birthday
- AP source: MLB owners OK plan that could lead to July start - no fans, players taking pay cuts
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Monday May 11, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Mon. 5/11/20
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
Local News:
- Prescribed burns planned this week around Lake Tahoe
- ‘Tahoe Only’ inspection seals required to put boats in Lake Tahoe
- Dealing with ‘a sense of uncertainty’: Officials concerned about Truckee’s health and well-being through traumatic times
- Douglas County to begin public testing of Covid19 today
- High elevation snow possible this week
National News:
- Worldwide Totals: 4.2M cases, 284K deceased, 80K in US
- 14.7 unemployment rate, highest since Great Depression
- Packed United flight from NYC leaves passengers and internet shocked, United claimed they would leave all middle seats empty but did not
- Another stimulus package still on the table. Payroll tax cuts? More checks sent out? More funding for state & local gov’t? Wait and see?
- England, Germany, France begin reopening schools and business today
- Dr. Fauci compares Latinos and African Americans to nursing home Covid19 susceptibility
- #NationalEatWhatYouWantDays
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Friday May 08, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Good News Friday 5/8/20
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Every Friday we change up the dynamic of our podcast to only deliver you wholesome, positive news locally and nationally:
- 2020 Bessie Minor Swift Foundation awards local grants: $3K to B&G, $3K to Bijou School PTA, $2,500 to TINS, $1326 to Tahoe’s Connection for Families
- Social House giving away free food yesterday to all employees and gym members
- Rise Designs providing free logos and hats to biz that they can sell for extra income
- Sierra Community House increases charitable donations from 180 to 562 households per week
- Although extremely busy, local florists are open for Mother’s Day weekend
- Santa Cruz hospital receives anonymous $1M donation to go directly to employees bonus
- $2000 per month stimulus checks proposed until the end of Covid to every person with income below $120k proposed by 3 senators
- Nurses Week Freebies: Chipotle giving away 100k free burritos, Capriottis free sando, Cinnabon free cinnamon roll, Krispy Kreme dozen donuts

Thursday May 07, 2020
Tahoe TAP - Tales of Mark Twain
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
On our show today, we have Samuel Langhorne Clemens! Some of you might be thinking, “who the hell is that?” Well, Mark Twain, of course! If you live in or have visited Lake Tahoe you might know him at the grocery store as McAvoy Layne.
For over 30 years now our guest has kept the wit and wisdom alive of the esteemed “Wild Humorist of the Pacific Slope” He does it so well he’s been seen on the Discovery Channel, Biography Channel…. And we are honored to have him here on the Tahoe TAP podcast!
Lots of fun here on this episode! Enjoy!

Thursday May 07, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Thurs. 5/7/20
Thursday May 07, 2020
Thursday May 07, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
Local News:
- SLT City Council votes to send letter to governor; asks police to ease up on shelter in place violators
- Gov Newsom to reveal guidelines for reopening later today
- Drought is back on the watch for most of Northern CA, Redding is at "extreme" drought already right now
- Prediction tools shows how forest thinning may increase snowpack
National News:
- Global Covid-19 Totals: 3.9M cases, 265K deceased
- 3.1M unemployment claims last week, 33.5M seven week total
- 70% of the workforce is either unemployed or fears losing their job within the next 12 months
26% of Americans who are currently working say they’ve experienced a pay cut, while 36% are working fewer hours.
- 41% percent of Americans say they couldn’t pay an unexpected $250 expense
- Washington state can’t catch a break - Gypsy Moths! Gov Inslee issues an emergency proclamation.
- Street artist Banksy strikes again. Very cool photo left at Southhampton General Hospital
- Fun fact: On this day, 125 years ago (1895) the world’s first radio receives signal in Russia
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Wednesday May 06, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Wed. 5/6/20
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Wednesday May 06, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
Local News:
- IVGID meeting today with a lot on the agenda surround capital improvement projects and available budget to complete
- Truckee/North Tahoe cancels fireworks show & parade – SLT still TBD
- Douglas County announced they have cancelled their Aviation Roundup Event
- Sierra at Tahoe announces pass savings and details for 20/21 season
- Tonight (7-9p) local musicians come together to raise money for local families – this is the second from Tahoe supports Tahoe, which the first raised $15k for Tahoe Magic
- Report of increased rattlesnake activity in the Tahoe Basin
National News:
- Pence announces this morning that Covid Taskforce "will wind down - dissolved within a month” (Trump reverse tweet says “will carry on indefinitely)
- New Poll shows the majority of the country (63%) believes we’re “opening too soon”
- #NationalNursesDay - Also kicks off National Nurses Week which then ends on Florence Nightingales birthday May 12
- Shanghai Disneyland slated to reopen on May 11
- Tom Cruise will make a movie on the International Space Station - first actor to ever film movie in space
- Michelle Obama's “Becoming” available on Netflix
- WILD: 3 Russian Doctors Treating The Coronavirus Have Fallen Out Of Windows In Just Over A Week… A medical researcher said to be on the "verge of making very significant" coronavirus findings was found shot to death over the weekend in Pennsylvania
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Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Tues. 5/5/20
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
Local News:
- CA hopping into stage 2 this Friday
- SLT city council posted an agenda for a special meeting tomorrow - the first for new city manager Joe Irvin
- Douglas County Commission announced a special joint meeting with the county board of health for Friday
- North Tahoe public Covid testing site has opened up at the North Tahoe events center in Kings Beach
- Casinos plan to reopen from the gaming control board - Must disinfect cards and chips & table games like blackjack will be limited to 3 players, 6 for craps & 4 for roulette.
- Douglas County has a new superintendent of schools – Keith Lewis was a unanimous choice
National News:
- Cinco de Mayo, Taco Tuesday, #GivingTuesdayNow, #GivingNewsDay
- Global Totals: 3.3M cases, 50K deceased
- Warren Buffet, world’s most famous investor, pulls out all investments of airline companies
- Korean baseball, one of the world’s first major professional sports competitions, returned to action today - with no fans
- Texas park ranger shoved into water during verbal altercation with protestors
- Nike donating 30,000 sneakers to healthcare workers - Air Zoom Pulse, "first shoe designed for the healthcare athlete, an everyday hero
- Nicholas Cage will play Joe Exotic from Tiger King
- 5 year old boy pulled over driving from Utah to CA to buy a Lamborghini since he mom wouldn’t buy it for him
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Monday May 04, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Monday, 5/4/20
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
Up-to-date, daily info on news that is happening around Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada! Notes from today’s discussion include:
Local News:
- Douglas County School Board looking to choose their candidate for superintendent – also candidate forum for county commission are at 6pm tonight
- Douglas County commissioners drove a letter to the capitol asking the governor to allow businesses and offices to reopen
- El Dorado county has started offering free testing to residents that want to be tested
- New city manager for SLT, Joe Irvin, is getting sworn in this Monday morning
- Check it out: Very comprehensive article on the Sierra Sun about the economy for North Tahoe and Truckee
National News:
- 3.5M total cases, nearly 250K deceased globally (millions of Italians return to work today)
- Star Wars Day - May the 4th be with you (Disney+ releases The Rise of Skywalker early)
- Costco limiting meat purchases to 3 items per person, requiring masks, and back to normal operating hours
- Whole Foods announced they will be providing free disposable masks to customers nationwide
- Large layoffs possible for United Airlines amid $1.3B Q1 loss
- “Murder Hornets” spotted in Washington state - can kill a person without allergies and puncture a bee suit
- Miami's Hard Rock Stadium aiming to be the “gold standard” of sporting events and host fans for it’s first game - Side bar: Don Shula HC, most winning NFL coach ever died today
- Aquarium in Japan that said their garden eels were in danger of forgetting about humans - “Please FaceTime them!”
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Friday May 01, 2020
Tahoe Talk - Feel Good Friday, 5/1/20
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Every Friday we change up the dynamic of our podcast to only deliver you wholesome, positive news locally and nationally:
- Edgewood Tahoe opens Monday
- Tahoe City Golf Course opens today
- Resilience Fund launched to help small business owners in NLT and Truckee – their goal: $5M to help 400 businesses
- May 17 Nascar resumes with no fans in the stadium
- CA expanding their farm to family program which is meant to put healthy food on the table for Californians while also supporting the farm industry of the state
- 99 year old aims to raise $1k, ends up raising $18M by taking 100 laps of his backyard garden in Europe
- Himalayas are visible from Delhi for the first time in decades due to decreased pollution
- Global greenhouse gas emissions are on track to fall nearly 8% this year – that’s the largest drop ever recorded
- Crocs donating free shoes to healthcare workers everyday until stocks last
- Doctors are wearing photos of themselves smiling for a fun personalization effort
- Scuba diving group that found a way to take plastic pollution and create face masks
- BandsInTown.com free live shows today and this weekend: Kenny Chesney 4pm and Grateful Dead 5pm today, Garth Brooks Sat. @ 4:30pm